Join us!
The SSA is growing. Here's why....
The benefits of Basic Membership ($7.00/year):
1. The chance to associate and communicate with other science songwriters.
2. The opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the use of music in the science classroom.
3. 10% discounts on SSA member products.
The additional benefits of Commercial Membership ($30.00/year):
4. The right to promote one's products on the SSA website and in other SSA materials.
5. The right to participate in SSA-sponsored convention booths. (Costs are negotiated between participating parties.)
To join, please fill out our membership application and mail it to: Science Songwriters' Association, P.O. Box 3531, Vista CA 92085-3531. Questions about the application process should be directed to Lynda Jones ().
No special qualifications are needed to become a member. We invite applications from anyone interested in the use of music in science education.