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An Example Show       [ go to previous song previous song / next song go to next song ]

written by Do Peterson

Do: Lead Vocal, Guitars, Bass, Synth, Drum Machine, Shakers | Lori DeGloria: Background Vocals | Spoken Vocals (in order of appearance): Tanya Shaffer, Julianna Haubrich, Chaya Moskowitz, Miky Ishida | "Yeah" Group: Anne-Louise Leutenegger, Kathy Thomas, Jani Drabek, Heather St. John, Matt Garvert, Laura Castleberry, Tomislov Maric

In this example, we have 100 affected sibling pairs | Mr. Peterson, what exactly do you mean? | What this means for recessive and multi.... | Could you repeat that? | What this means for recessive and multiplicative penetrances... | I don't get it. | Mr. Peterson...Mr. Peterson.... | Welcome the mailman. Hi five the cashier. | Smile at the dentist. There is no shame here. | Is an example show. Is an example show! | Just look at the slide, is an example show. | Right there before your eyes | Is an example show. | 100 sibling pairs divided not by chance. | P-values indicate we have significance. | Hug your neighbor. Kiss the baby. | Help the old man. Charm the lady. | Dance calypso. Do the cha cha. | Make it spicy like the salsa. | Let your feelings go. Is an example show. | Let the good times roll at the example show! | Just look at the slide, is an example show. | Right there before your eyes | Is an example show. | The numbers shown right there | Were conjured up by me. | We have significance for both our MLE's. | Send some candy to your mother. | Dress up fancy. Call your lover. | Clap your hands and show your beauty. | Move your hips and shake your booty. | Is an example show. Loosen up your clothes. | It's time to tap your toes at the example show! | Now! | Performance, Performance... | In this example, we have 100 affected sibling pairs: 15 that share 0 alleles identical by descent, 48 that share 1 and 37 that share 2 alleles identical by descent. What this means for recessive and multiplicative penetrances is that the maximum likelihood estimate of our sibling recurrence risk ratio derived from the data is significantly, highly significantly greater than 1. A similar result can be seen for the additive penetrance. | La la la la la ... | an example show | ...we have significance | ...let's do a happy dance | Mr. Peterson, what exactly do you mean? | Move your hips and shake your booty. Yeah! | Clap your hands and show your beauty. Yeah! | Dress up fancy. Kiss your lover. | Send some candy to your mother. | Hug your neighbor. Kiss the baby. | Help the old man. Charm the lady. | Dance calypso. Do the cha cha. | Make it spicy like the salsa. | Is the example show, food to lift your soul. | At the example show, it is magnifico!

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